Our Doctors – GP South Melbourne

Dr Maryam Bassirat

Dr Edward Petrov MBBS FRACGP

GP specialist

30 years experience as a doctor, more than 15 of them in Australia.

Worked in major Australian hospitals like Alfred, Austin, and Cabrini Private as well as in private general practice.

Major interest in complicated medical cases and preventative medicine.

Dr Petrov is a RACGP examiner.

Dr Olivia Katharina

Dr Olivia Katharina

GP Specialist

Dr Olivia Khatharina is a thoroughly warm and caring GP with a great deal of experience in all aspects of Family Practice.

She trained as a doctor in Indonesia before coming to Australia where she completed her specialist training, resulting in her attaining Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice.

She has worked across a variety of areas of medicine, thus epitomising the role of Family Practitioner.

Dr Olivia has a special interest and experience in women’s health.

She is available on Thursdays and some Tuesdays for now.

Dr Maryam Bassirat

Dr Maryam Bassirat PhD (Med), MDiet, BSc Biochem (Hons)

Accredited Practicing Dietitian

PhD (Med), MDiet, BSc Biochem (Hons), Grad Cert Hum Nut

Maryam can provide nutritional advice for:

  • Diabetes management (including carbohydrate counting)
  • Heart disease (High cholesterol, High blood pressure)
  • Bone health (Arthritis, osteoporosis)
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (stomach, bowel)
  • Cancer management
  • Healthy eating (Intuitive/mindful eating and a non-diet approach)
  • Weight management
  • Adolescents health & Aged care
Dr Sam Besnek BHS, MPP

Dr Sam Besnek BHS, MPP


General foot care, diabetic foot, circulation problems, flat foot, orthotics.
Qualified to provide PRP injections to foot joints.

I completed my degree of Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Podiatric Practice at La Trobe University. I’ve worked in multiple clinical settings including public hospitals, community health centres and private practices. My personal interest in sports, especially soccer and martial arts, has given me a wider understanding of how important it is to feel and be healthy.

Stemming from these personal experiences, I have a main interest in sports podiatry and treating chronic heel, shin, and knee pain. I’ve adapted a combination of different therapeutic approaches to treat such conditions successfully. These include injection therapies, dry needling, and orthotics prescribing. Furthermore, my experiences lie in paediatric care, diabetic assessments, and injury prevention. Once again, my work in multiple health care settings has equipped me with the experience to adequately treat such conditions.

Dr Love Joy Calaycay

Dr Love Joy Calaycay FRACGP, MD

General Practitioner

Dr Love Joy is a highly trained and experienced GP who has a special interest in Family Medicine and Women’s Health. As a fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, she has achieved a high level of training within the Australian Healthcare system, which equips her to guide you through the maze which is our modern healthcare system. Her international experience includes work in Singapore, which has provided Dr Love Joy with a broad knowledge and skill which she applies to her work. Her warm, nurturing manner and welcoming approach causes her to always be in demand by her patients.